Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 13

Hello HCG Friends!
I was unable to blog yesterday first it was because I had such a hectic day until about 7:30 last night, but then when I finally got the time to blog, my Internet was down, and didn't come back up until this morning! Day 12 Yesterday was not a real good day for me anyway, I still would have blogged about it, if I could have, but.... I got up Yesterday and weighed, only to find that I had gained a half a pound, I was pretty upset about that, simply because there was absolutely no explanation for it at all, I had drank almost 2 gallons of water, ate only the allowed foods, NO Cheats at all, and still gained! It's so hard to eat just 500 calories per day just to get up to weigh and find you've gain anything, even just a half a pound. As much as I hated it, I didn't let it get the best of me, nor did I allow it to give me a reason to cheat, I stayed strong and kept on chugging along to get through the day! I did just that, I even went to bed early, I guess that was because I had such a busy day, I was extra tired. Anyway... I got up this morning and weighted at my normal time, to find, that I lost 2.5 pounds!!!! I had to step off the scale and back on it at least 5 different times, to make sure it was correct, and...IT WAS!!!!!! I was so excited, I could hardly see straight! This makes my total weight loss of 17 pounds in 11 days! I'm so very happy and proud of that! It sure helps to make my hardest days 9, 10, & 11 more worth it! I realize I'm going to have good days and bad days, and this diet is not anything easy, but hopefully will be so worth it in the end! I will post my lunch here in a few hours, until then.... Have A Blessed Day Friends!


  1. Wow that is great. I hate when I get on the scale expecting a loss and see a gain. I cry. I'm glad you were rewarded with such a big loss the next day. You're doing a great job. Hang in there!

  2. Im glad you have the support you need cuz i think that is the only way any of us can make it thur this ..... keep your head high .. and there is nothing wrong with breaking down we all do it .... Congrats on the big lose of 2.5 that is awesome !!!!! Again 17 lbs in 11 days Amazing!!!! And this diet is not easy at all .... we can do it
