Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 5.... Labor Day Cookout & My Daughter's 21st Birthday...This Will Be The Test!

WOW! I've made it to day 3 of the vlc diet without a singal cheat not even a lick of my finger! Has it been easy....Heck No! It's been quite the challenge that's for sure! Today will be a toughy I can fee it....It's Labor Day & My oldest daughter's 21st birthday! (YIKES!) We have plans to grill some bar bq chicken, have baked beans, homemade potatoe salad, chips & dip, and we couldn't leave out the Snickers ice-cream birthday cake now could we? See.... I told you it was going to be tough! But.... I will do this and get through this day without a single cheat I have complete faith in myself, for I know without a doubt none of the food which I have listed above is worth causing me to stall or not continue to lose the weight I've seen fall these past 2 days! That food or anyother bad food is not going to get the best of me not today, tomorrow, or even days, weeks, months, & years to come, I was thinking yesterday while I was cooking my family supper, which by the way was chicken bean burittos topped with cheese, salsa, sour cream, lettuce & tomato, and mexican rice, just had to through that in there for ya! (Sorry!) Even when I finish this round 1 of hcg it doesn't stop there unless I want to be back up 63 pounds, this is a forever change, I will choose to continue eat healthy, maybe not 500 calories per day kind of  healthy but... Eating the same types of food we are having to eat on this diet, just more of that kind of food. I love all the food we are allowed to eat there is not a veggie I don't like, and I love fish, shrimp, and chicken, I never have been a red meat eater not at all. So the food on this diet is right up my ally, I just wish I could have more of it! I know without a doubt I will do great on the maintenance part of this simply because it's just what we're doing only you get more of the yummy foods we are eating now, I can't wait for phase 3! OK.... So I got up this morning at my usual time 5:30 used the bathroom and weighed......I've lost 5 pounds since my morning weigh in yesterday that's a total of 9.5 pounds in 2 days, do these drops work? I'd say so! I measured my self in the waist, thigh, upper arm, hips, and bust on my day 1 I'm only doing measurments on each Sunday and I didn't do yesterday simply because I just started on Thursday and it would have only been 3 days, so this comming Sunday 9-11-11 I will post my new measurments. Yesterday I did get weak feeling about 1:00 and to be honest I still feel that way, I took a hour nap and then got up and drank some water and it did help. I'm thinking and hoping that part gets better, or I just get more use to it. I've been posting pictures of my meals just to show my followers to help them to feel better about the food they are getting to eat, I think it helps mentaly when you see and know others are right there with you, surviving on the same kind of 500 foods. HAPPY LABOR DAY TO ALL!

Here is my 3rd VCL lunch for today It's 100g grilled chicken, half of a grapefruit, and 100g tomato with a 1/4 cup water, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, and some cayenne. Thanks to another blogers recipe! It was mighty tasty that's for sure!

Here is my 3rd VLC supper for Labor day & My daughter's 21st Birthday celebration! While everybody else had well.....The traditional cookout food. Here I have 100g of Flounder, 100g of asparagus, and my apple which I always save for bed time....About to slice it up NOW! =)


  1. 9.5!! That is fantastic!!! Good luck today with the Bday party. I was laying in bed last night listing all the foods I'd be eating on my next load days and potato salad was definitely on the list. Happy Birthday to your daughter!

  2. Woo hoo on 9.5. I feel ya we went to cheesecake factory on my daughters 6th birthday and I was dying. I am so ready to be on phase 3 however i know i have to change my eating which will be hard with my picky hubby

  3. I saw about my yummy tomato soup on beth page. What I do it count it as my veggie and still have a fruit. I am trying something different because my body does not handle protein that well so today for lunch i had a bowl of soup, some cucumbers and my fruit. Hopefully it will work. I need a bigger loss to reach my goal y next Tuesday

  4. so im about to start the HCG diet and i see that your eating broccoli ... and your losing weight so i guess the broccoli isnt hurting your lose any???? i want to follow the diet so close but i hate majority of the veggies on the list !!! just curious

  5. I ordered my drops from and when they sent my drops I got a guidbook that came with the drops, and on page 10 of that guidbook it says.....Additional Vegetables, broccoli, cauliflower, and peppers seem to pose no problem to the diet. "IF" losing slows or stops, stick to the vegetables on the original protocol. So... As long as I'm losing, I'm eating broccoli... I LOVE IT! I'm following the diet to a T, drinking lots, and lots, and lots of water, I think that is key!Thisis my 5 day and NO cheats, that's very, very important as well!!!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU!
