Well, I made it through my first day of the VLC diet. I must say it wasn't too bad at all, I'm not sure if these days get easier, or if they get harder as we make our mark to day 40? I guess I'll just have to continue forward on this journey and see for myself. I really think round 2 has to be easier just for the simple fact, you kinda have a better idea as to what to expect and all that you've learned from round 1, so I have to believe you get wiser with the more you do this, that's just my thought on it. OK, so yesterday I got up and weighed and I had gained 4 pounds from my 2 loading days ( and boy did I load!) I said from the start of this diet I was going to do it right, or I was not going to do it at all, and I'm a woman of my word! So, after I weighed yesterday morning, I took my drops and and blogged while I waited for my coffee to brew, I had 2 good size coffee cups of black coffee with my Vanilla Creme stevia, then we went to my 9 yr old son's first little league football game that was suppose to start at 11:10 but didn't actually start until 12:45 ( I was pretty upset about that, simply because it was 100 degrees here yesterday and all those little guys were just soaking wet from sweat) Needless to say... I drank close to 4 liters of water just sitting at the football stadium with the hot sun beating down on us. Ok, we got home about 2:00 I took my drops and started fixing my lunch which was 100g of chicken grilled on my Geroge Foreman and 100g of asparagus and a half of a grapefruit. then we went shopping at the mall my middle daughter needed some blue jeans and my hubby wanted to try and find a good tripod for our video camera. Seems like everybody at the mall either had a waffle cone filled to the top with yummy ice-cream, of had a delicious cookie or brownie from the Great American Cookie Store, and I lost count on the people carrying cups of StarBucks coffee, my twins always get a cup of Dip-N-Dots when we go to the mall, so it was just one thing after another the entire time we we're there. I'm thinking to myself well, Shyla you'd just best get use to that, because the whole world is not ever going to be on this diet with you, and there are always, always going to be people & family for that matter who will be eating, sipping, licking, smacking, & chewing on things that are not allowed for you so....Pull up those big girl panties and stay strong and no matter what, DO NOT lose sight of that goal you so desperately want to reach! They funny thing about all those people I saw with all that yummy and fattening stuff, they all were over weight, and didn't need to be eating it them selves, and guess what? I'm still here alive and well this morning, so that means..... I didn't die because I couldn't or didn't get any of it! (lol)
Ok, so on to my supper last night, We got home from the mall and shopping about 5:00 I went to Wal*Mart and got a few things for me, Chicken breast, Shrimp, garlic powder, onion powder, apples, oranges, lemons, apple cider vinegar, ect.... I also picked up from the deli honey Bar B.Q. chicken, fried okra, and potato wedges for the family. Came in from Wal*Mart took my drops, fixed the kids plates, then started fixing my food, and that being 100g of Flounder, 100g of broccoli, and then I drank 32 oz of water and I was too full for my apple so I went into the kitchen cleaned up from the family, and sat down at the kitchen table and for 2 hours I weighed out my 5.58 pounds of fresh chicken breast I had just bought from Wal*Mart I took a small piece of Glad cling wrap laid it on the table then I would weigh out my 100g of chicken then wrap it up, then I continued to do that until all my chicken was weighed into 100g portions and individually wrapped, so now I have 21 packages of 100g chicken in my freezer, so all I have to do when I want chicken is pull out one of those wrapped up chickens and cook it, Jeez, that weighing took forever last night, I was so ready to be done with that! Ok so I finished all that, cleaned up again, then I decided I needed to eat my apple, it wasn't because I was hungry, but.... I just didn't want to leave out any of my important foods. I'm not doing the bread stick or the Melba toast right now, I may add it in at a little later time, but, for me I just didn't want it for now. So I ate my apple at 9:30 as my bedtime snack. I went to bed at 10:30. I woke up this morning scared to death to step on the scale, all I could think about was.....What if I step up on it, and I haven't dropped a single pound? I ate like a pig my 2 loading days, and gained that 4 pounds, and I was just so worried, those for pounds would still be there, and it was just more then I could stand to think about! I pulled my clothes off just dreading the move of placing my feet on that scale but, I knew they only way to find out was to just do it! So... I did! And I could not believe what I saw.... I stepped off the scale let it reset, then I stepped back onto it, and still could not believe y eyes, "HAD"to step off yet again, let the scale reset, and for the 3rd time I stepped back onto it, yup all 3 times the scale said the same number, so... I called my 21 yr. old daughter ( she'll be 21 tomorrow!) into the bathroom, had told her what I had lost, and she was like....NO WAY! she had to look, and again for the 4th time the scale read out that same number........ I lost 8.5 pounds!!!!!!!!!!! Kourtney ( that's my daughter's name) said OMG! that is so CRAZY! I told her, I know it is, I just can NOT believe I lost that much.... I'm totally blown away! After seeing that loss I truly believe I could eat a lunch of 100g of chicken, 100g of asparagus, and half a grapefruit, and have a supper of 100g of Flounder, 100g of broccoli, and an apple for a bedtime snack for the rest of my life!!!!!!! I will say that I did drink a little more then a half gallon of water yesterday as well, if my tummy started growling, I drank water and it helped so much. So, I have to wonder if the high water intake doesn't play a vital role in all this?!?! OK so that's my latest update on my HCG 40 Journey!
8.5 lbs??? That's crazy! Wow! :) You did well on your loading days. They say the more you eat the better you lose weight. Keep it up. There will be hard days though and expect to experience some withdrawal symptoms. Your body will crave for sugar at one point and you may experience headache but it's so worth it. :) I almost gave up on my 2nd day of VLCD, couldn't imagine sticking to this diet after I had those withdrawal symptoms. But I felt better the next day and now it's like I'm not dieting at all... except for fighting my cravings, of course. :) Keep it up. You'll lose a lot of weight in no time. :)
ReplyDeleteTotally amazing!!!!! Congratulations!!!! I am going to take a cue from you and cut out my melba today and see if it does anything.
ReplyDeleteCongrats. You can so do it.