Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 8

Well, here I am 1 week later after starting this hcg diet journey! Mmmm, seems kinda deceiving to say it's been 1 week, when the first 2 days were not a diet at all, but it was last Thursday that I dedicated myself to this diet plan, through the fun time of loading and eating like a pig, actually I ate like 3 or 4 pigs, but anyway... To the 500 calorie diet for the next 40 days, but for me I have only 32 more to go, ( Hey, it beats 40!) and also to eating and maintaining my weight with being honest and watchful to not consume  carbs, or sugars. I'm in this for the long haul. Once I set my heart and mind on something... LOOK OUT!
There is noway possible that I'm going to go through these 40 days, just to get to phase 3 and screw up all my hard work, not to mention the dedication it took to get me where I will be on my maintenance phase...Are you kidding me? This diet does not end after you've put in your 40 days.... This diet will be something we all must follow for the rest of lives, no...not the 500 calorie part, heck no! No will power or determination could last that long, but for sure the maintenance part of eating lots, and lots of veggies, eating a normal portion of protein, and making sure you get a couple fruits per day, and yes even eating carbs... The good carbs only though! I'm so happy that I've dedicated myself to this diet, although it's not been easy, and like I said I still have 32 days to go, but... I have to keep my focus on just Today, not Tomorrow or next week, it makes this journey even harder when I find myself looking at how many days i have left, perhaps it will be better once I get to the half way mark, which won't be until September 20th ( That's really not too far away!) But still.......
OK, so...I got up this morning did my usual routine, stepped up on the scale to find I lost .5 pound! I was very happy to see that! No... It wasn't my usual 2 pounds, or even 1.5 pounds, but....I'm perfectly fine with my .5 loss! I will be happy with "any"thing as long as it's not a gain, staying the same will be ok, as long as it's not just days & days in a row! ( if that happens... I will do the apple a day!) So...I'm down 13.5 pounds my first week, how awesome is that? I'll answer that....SUPER AWESOME! OK... it's time for my afternoon drops, and then lunch here pretty soon too.  Until we blog again..... Have a Terrific Thursday My Followers!

Well, here it is...My 6th VLC diet lunch. It's 100g of grilled chicken w/ 1 cup of cucumbers in apple cider vinegar, and an orange.
I found this website and they had all kinds of hcg friendly food items, including the Grissini breadsticks they had traditional, garlic, and wheat, I bought 2 of them Traditional & garlic, not sure when I will start adding the breadsticks to my meals, as I've yet to eat any melba toast or Grissini Breadsticks since the start of my diet. I just went on and bought them incasr I feel I need to add them, if I don't use them on my 40 days, I can always add them when it's time to add good carbs later in phase 4. You also will see in the picture some Vinaigrette dressing it's zero everything and made with Stevia, it says on the bottle perfect for use on the hcg protocol! I'm going to try it on my shrimp salad tonight for supper, I'll let you know how it is, or how I think it is! (lol)

My 6th VLC Diet Supper, it's 2 cups lettuce w/ 100g of shrimp with the very yummy HCG Vinaigrette dressing, along with my apple that I will eat as my bedtime snack. ( As always!)

1 comment:

  1. i feel the same as you do ... for im not going to do phase 2 just to get to phases 3 and mess up this is a life stile change for sure!!!!! i jus want to start on the 500 cal part already!!!! lol keep up the great work!
