Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 2 of Loading!

Well, Today marks day 2 of loading, I got up this morning at 5:30 used the bathroom and stepped on the scale to find that I only gained a half a pound after eating a huge apple fritter, a Frisco breakfast sandwich, and a medium size tater rounds ( from Hardee's) then a supremo P'Zone from Pizza Hut, a nutter butter blizzard from Dairy Queen, a huge brownie with coconut & pecan icing, a fried chicken fillet sandwich, and a large order of french fries. I never did get around to eating my 2 king size cad bars, I guess I will have to squeeze them in Today! It thinking that perhaps when I get on the scale in the morning I will show a bigger gain, at least I hope so! Good Grief that's a lot of eating in just one day, I never, ever eat like that.....I swear! But... I've read in a million different places that these 2 loading days are so very important, so I had my mind and menu made up, that I was going to do this right, or I just wasn't going to do it at all!!! I'd say I'm off to a great start! (lol) This morning for breakfast I had 3 large pancakes with tons of butter and syrup, and 2 sausage patties, Now it's lunch time and I'm about to do my drops then wait 20 minutes and go to Burger King for a double whopper, and onion rings. For supper tonight, I'm thinking maybe spaghetti with buttery cheesy bread, and I have got to remember to eat my King Size PayDay & Whatchamacallit before bedtime.

So... I just went and took my drops, and I just notice after I took them just now, that I've been measuring them all wrong with the syringe that came with them, jeez..... Just my luck, I tell ya! It's suppose to be .38 and I've been doing .42 I just caught it, and I am so mad at myself, here I've been trying so hard to make sure I only measure out exactly what I'm suppose to take each time, and being even extra careful not to spill them, I've read where a few people have spilt their drop, (OMGosh, I would just dye if I did that!) I so hope and pray due to my mistake of taking too much for the 5 doses ( 3 yesterday and 2 today) that I haven't cut myself short for my 40 days. My husband says for me not to worry about it, he say's I will have plenty, that the company is not going to cut it that close, I told him, he didn't know what he was talking about, because I have read where people have ran out of their drops before their days were up and they started their maintenance early..... I DO NOT want that to be me! Now, I'm going to be worrying everyday about these drops running out to soon for me! GRRRR! This is just my luck.... trying so hard to do it all perfect and here I'm taking too many drps, how did I mess that up? it even has a picture in the pamphlet that comes wth he drops.....Good Grief!  Ugh.... I'm just in a funk now....

1 comment:

  1. i just dont get how you barley gained anything i gained 3 lbs after my first loading day! keep the good work up!!!
