Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 14

WOW! I just really don't know where to start with Today's blog. Yesterday was a good day up until about 6:00 Yesterday evening.... I'm not even sure exactly what happened that triggered the spiral down fall of my evening, I guess that's the mystery part of it all. I are my lunch which was 100g of ground beef (hamburger) 1 whole Roma tomatoes and an apple, then I went and ran my afternoon bus route, all day long I had drank over a gallon of water, everything was just fine and normal until....6:00pm. My alarm on my cell phone went off and I knew what it was for....Time for my evening drops! But.... I sat here and I thought, I'm DONE with this hcg diet...DONE! I'm so done I'm not even going to take my evening drops, and I didn't! I went into the kitchen, grilled my 100g of chicken, cut up 2 cups of lettuce, took the cucumbers out of the refrigerator that had been soaking in apple cider vinegar, cut up a Roma tomato added all "THREE" veggies together, added my chicken, opened up a package of Melba toast (That I've had since day 1 of this diet, but never ate) and I went out on my front porch and ate ALL of my salad and 2 Melba toast, and boy was it yummy good! I came inside got the twins in bed, watched a little TV, then went to sleep, had a hard time going to sleep, but....I finally did. I woke up at 2:15am and all I could think about was me "not" taking my drops.... I was so upset about that! I laid there thinking, do I really want to be finished with this diet? My heart was so upset and I realized right then and there, I "did" want to finish my 26 days of my 40 days. So...I got up right then and took my drops yup, I took them at 2am and knew I was going to finish this diet, I was going to be the WINNER not my crazy, weird whatever that was that told me I was DONE! Well, I think I know what caused me to get all weird and crazy....I got my TOM also at 2am. I have a pretty good feeling my behavior from last night had "something" to do with that!
I did "not" weight this morning at all, simply because I knew I'd weigh heavier due to my TOM, and because I mixed 3 different veggies, and ate 2 Melba toast at the same time, and I know all of that is a no no on this diet! I will say this.... I never one time even thought about eating anything bad, even though I thought I was DONE! I never touched a cookie, brownie, cheese balls, popcorn, granola bar, not even the bag of Candy Corn, (and that's my favorite candy too!) No soda pop, milk, juice, NOTHING at all like that, all I wanted was what I had a salad with more then just lettuce, and I wanted those 2 Melba toast. I will not weigh until my normal time 5:45 on Saturday morning, I'm hoping and praying that will give my body enough time to fix eating the 3 veggies all at once and the 2 Melba toast together, and perhaps have some time for my TOM water gain to leave. So.... I will be excited to see Saturday morning arrive! OK, so everything is back on track for me today took my morning drops as usual and my afternoon drops too, and I fixed 100g of Tilapia, with 1 cup broccoli, and 7 strawberries. I'm staying on the right path from here on out, I truly believe it took me going through what I did last night to make me realize, I really do want this!!!! Until next time my blogger friends.....Have A Blessed Day!


  1. I have had days like this where it takes everything in me to stay on track. Just pick yourslef up today and keep on trucking. U can do it.

  2. Good thing you got yourself back on track. TOM can make us do crazy things sometimes. I remember how I got so pissed at the eggs that I was cooking for my egg salad (1 whole egg and 3 whites) that when it didn't look as good as I hoped for I freaked out and wanted to throw everything out of our kitchen. My husband was frantic, couldn't understand why I was so angry over something so silly. That evening I had my period! hahaha

    It's great that you didn't grab anything that's not allowed on the phase 2 of the HCG diet. That shows how dedicated you really are to this diet and I'm quite sure you'll be successful with it. Don't give up. Just think about what you've accomplished so far and how much more you can lose at the end of the 40 days. You are doing this for yourself and you'll come out as the winner in the end. :)
