Wednesday, August 31, 2011


OK.... Talk about a wild and crazy week, and it's just Wednesday! I've had this wretched tooth ache in a top back molar tooth for over a week now, but it almost  became the death of me this past Saturday while away (500 mile away from home) on a weekend trip with my husband to a Trans AM National car show. I also had a minor surgery scheduled for Tuesday 8/30/11 @ 8:00am so, on Monday 8/29/11 I had to have labs drawn pryor to the surgery and I was so scared to death that the infection from my abscess tooth was going to show up in those labs, and then my surgery be cancelled due to the infection, but.... Luckily I never got the call stating I had infection and would have to reschedule the surgery, so... I had the surgery as planned, all went well. I got up this morning in the absolute worst pain due to my tooth, went to the dentist, and found out it was indeed abscessed and had a root canal done at 8:30 this morning, how that infection didn't show up in my lab work on Monday sure beats me! ( it don't, God knew how bad I wanted to start this diet on 9/1/11)  I knew I had a lot going on with me, right here at the time I so desperately wanted to begin this 40 day hcg diet, and it wouldn't have taken much to throw me off the schedule of wanting to start it on the 1st of September ( TOMORROW) had that infection from my tooth showed up in my labs my surgery would have been cancelled for a later date, which would have caused me not to want to start the diet, but... it wasn't....Thank-You God! So..... Everything is on schedule for my 1st day of the diet to begin tomorrow! I'm so vey excited ad blessed that all has planned out for everything to go just as I had hoped it would, and  my 40 day (actually 43 day) journey can and will start tomorrow. I'm also just as excited knowing I have now grown to 3 followers here on my blog that will help me and be uplifting during these tough and trying 43 days that are ahead of me. I'm sure together we WILL make it through this!  My BIG day is almost here!......YAY ME!

Friday, August 26, 2011

More Goodies In Todays Mail...

My 40 day journey will start in just 6 short days, seems all I do is think about all the Do's & Dont's of this diet. I just want to be as ready and focused as I possibly can to ensure I give myself the best chance of getting the results I so desperately want to achieve in my 40 days.

I placed an order online for some Stevia and flavored Stevia ( Lemon drop, vanilla creme, and cinnamon) earlier this week, after checking Todays mail, There it was! Pretty excited about receiving it before my diet starts, just knowing I will be able to add some extra flavor to my water and coffee is such an added boost, not to mention added flavor to some of the hcg phase2 recipes too! I have a feeling I'll be doing more ordering for the flavored Stevia, I can smell the cinnom through the glass bottle. (lol)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Guess What???

YAY! I checked my mail Yesterday to find......My drops had arrived! Talk about excited! I am starting my journey September 1st that will be my first loading day. Until then I'm going to get everything lined up and ready for that day! I'm so very excited about those next 40 days hope and pray I do great! I have lots of reading to do, for I wat to truly understand all there is to know about the protocal of the Dr. Simeons Pounds and Inches. Have I mentioned how EXCITED I am? (lol) Until next time followers.... Have a Happy and Blessed day!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Waiting for my HCG drops to arrive. Ordered them on Sunday August 21st. While waiting I'm getting things ready such as scales, food, and stevia sweeteners, along with personal items like deoderant, shampoos, hand soap, ect.. Not planning on starting the 40 day journey until the Tuesday after Labor day. In hopes my cousin gets her drops ordered and arrives by then, as we are doing this as a team in hopes to be support for one another. During these very trying 40 days. I'm doing drops, while she is doing injections. It will be intersesting to see if one or the other is better with weight loss results, or if we see close to the same results . I will be blogging the entire 40 days of our journey once we both receieve our 2 different (drops/injections) HCG's. My cousin ( Jeana) has already done a round of HCG injections back in February with great luck, she lost 41 pounds, and then while on the maintenance part she lost an additional 20 pounds. I ordered my drops here online @ while she is going to a local Dr. in our town for her HCG injections which she will be getting in the mail and doing the shots at home by her. While we wait out receiving the HCG I will be studying up on the Dr. Simeons pounds & inches learning all I can to better prepare me for this journey. I'm so very excited and nervous all at the same time, I'm so afraid of doing something wrong, such as eating something I wasn't suppose to or forgetting and licking something off my fingers without thinking..... The most simplest thing can be the result of not lossing any weight. Talk about STRESFUL, YIKES!!!!!  But, I know how determined I am to do my very best at it and be another success story to add to the million of them already out there! OK.... I need to go check the mail....Bye for now.