Thursday, September 1, 2011


It's finally here....September 1st!
So I woke up at 5:00 am with a million thoughts running through my head about my fist day of the hcg. I didn't know if I was suppose to just jump up use the bathroom, weigh, take my drops, then take my shower, and head out for the am bus route, or.... If I was to get up use the bathroom, weigh, take a shower, then head out for my am bus route, then take my drops when I got home. I was just not sure of the exact order of how and when I was suppose to be doing all that I knew I had to do! Jeez talk about worried and stressed out for that first day! I ended up doing like this.... I got up used the bathroom, weighed, then took my shower. Then I went and put on a pot of coffee and at 6:30 I took my drops, fixed my coffee for the road, but, didn't take my first sip of it until 7:02. Then I came home and went to the doughnut shop down the road and got me a huge fresh from the grease apple fritter, ( I never get those, but I do get my son one from there maybe once a month) then at about 9:00 I want to Hardees and got a loaded Frisco breakfast sandwich, and hashrounds size medium! ( Needless to say... I'm so full) so, now I'm trying to think about lunch and I'm leaning towards a deep fried chicken sandwich  with fries, or maybe a P'Zone from Pizza Hut, and I am going to D.Q for a Nutter Butter Blizzard sometime between now and bedtime tomorrow! ( Nothing like thinking ahead....Right?) Oh and I bought 2 yummy fatty Candy bars (Whatchamacallit, &  PayDay) last week that I stashed away for these 2 glorious days of loading! Oh did I mention that they both are KING SIZE? Bahahaha! I'm making sure I do these 2 days right! I'm trying my best to not feel guilty about all this JUNK, it's had not to though, I'm not use to eating like this, I don't even allow my kids to do this, so I feel as though I'm being naughty and sneaky too, as if I'm doing wrong! ( Not a good feeling!) I'm not real sure how I'm going to pull this off again tomorrow, one day is bad enoug, but.... I keep reminding myself of how important these 2 days of loading are to this 40 day journey, I guess that's what's making me DO IT!
I was not sure about the water intake for these 2 loading days, I didn't know if on top of all this eating if I was suppose to be drinkin the 2liters- half gallon of water, so I ask the lady whom I spoke with about the 38 days v/s 40 days of drops, and she told me not to worry so much about drinking all the water on the 2 loadings days but for sure starting on day 3 make sure to drink all the required amount of water. (which I knew that) so, I'm still drinking water (cause that's my favorte drink anyway) I'm just not worrying about drinking a half gallon today!
I did tell that same lady how I took my morning drops at 6:30am but didn't actually eay any breakfast until after 8:30, she did tell me that when we take our drops, we need to wait 15 minutes before & after the drops to eat or drink anything, but...That I needed to eat within that hour of taking the drops. ( Something else I didn't know, but ask!) So, I have to leave out for my morning bus route at 6:40 each morning ( Mon-Fri) and I get home at 8:00am so I believe I'll just start taking my drops as soon as I get in at 8:00 and make sure I eat by 9:00am. Wait...... We don't get breakfast unless you count coffee, tea, or water breakfast? So.... Mmmmmm..... I guess I could still take my rops at 6:30 and just not sip on my coffee until 6:45....Right? Please comment on what you think about this idea.... Anyway.... This has been my 1st day thus far it's almost 11:00 so I suppose I should start thinking about Lunch, and I'm still plenty satisfied from my huge breakfast! I simply can't imagine doing these loading days for any longer then 2 days, good grief.... At this rate it wouldn't take me long to balloon up! (LOL)

1 comment:

  1. There have been plenty of time where I don't get the full 2 gallons of water in and have still lost weight. There have also been time when I take my drop at 5 and dont eat until 9. The best advice I have is wait and see how your body handles it. Everyone is very different and you have to learn to work with you body. For example I usually eat about an half an hour after the drops are in my system. I have found that it works better this way foe me. Good luck.
