Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 20...Half Way Mark!

Well, Today is my day 20, I have 20 more days to go until the end of round 1. I have decised that I will only be weighing once a week. It just seems easier for me to step up on the scale once a week instead of daily, I'd rather find that I lost 3 pounds in a week then to see I only lost a half a pound or lost nothing at all from day to day. Anyway thats just my pereference on it. I will be weighing one Tuesdays from now on. I first started out waiting a week to weigh because I had a bad day on day 13 I mixed 3 veggies, and ate 2 Melba toast at the same time, when I hadn't even been eat any Melba toast at all, I've had some pretty hard days but, somehow have made it through them, I went a week and didn't weigh until Yesterday and I had lost 2.5 pounds during last week. It was just so much better for me mentally doing it that way. It's so hard to stay strong when you get on the scale and find you haven't lost "anything" at all, (Not that this has happened to me, cause it hasn't!) But.... I can't help but think about getting on the scale to find no loss at all, so.....I'm choosing to simply weigh once per week to help mestay strong for these last 20 days! I look at it like this.... You do whatever you have to do to get through these 40 days!!!!! My last day for drops will be October 7th. so my last weigh in for round 1 will be October 11th exactly 3 weeks from today. I'm being realalistic here by saying I hope more then anything I will loose at least 10 more pounds by October 11th. I'm sure the weight loss gets to a slow point after lossing 20 pounds in just 19 days, I will continue to drink all my water, and eat only the foods allowed to give myself a fair shot at getting off 10 more pounds in the next 20 days! I may not blog again until next Tuesday which will be my 27th day, unless I have a horrible day and feel that I need to get it out here in a blog! (lol) I will continue to get on here and check out all my other hcg friends progress, just didn't want anybody thinking I had fallen off the waggon! (lol) Until next Tuesday my HCG friends... Have A Blessed Week!    

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 15

Hello & Good Morning Followers!
I don't really have much to blog about Today. I had a great day Yesterday, in fact I was thinking last night how I wished "every"day of the hcg diet could be as easy, and smooth as the day I had Yesterday! For lunch I ate Tilapia, with broccoli, and then had 7 strawberries. For supper I had grilled shrimp, with spinach in apple cider vinegar, with a yummy apple for my bedtime snack. I drank over a gallon of water and had 2liters of green tea sweetened with Stevia. I didn't weigh again Today simply because it's my TOM and I prefer not to weigh when it's my TOM simply because I don't want to be disappointed, I'd rather just not know, and wait a few days then weigh and be surprised. I'm surely not gaining, I'm eating only what I'm allowed, and making sure to drink more then the recommended amount of water, with NO cheats of any kind, I'm looking at it as, it can't be too bad waiting 3 or 4 days to weigh, when I'm doing everything right. I will be sure to blog Saturday what I've lost or gained during these days of not weighing. I do know one thing.... My wedding band is so loose on my finger I'm afraid of loosing it, especially when I wash my hands! I will say.... I do wonder if I've lost, but the curiosity isn't enough to make me step on the scale, during my TOM, so..... I'll wait until Saturday morning! Hope all of you have a wonderful day! Until next time friends......

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 14

WOW! I just really don't know where to start with Today's blog. Yesterday was a good day up until about 6:00 Yesterday evening.... I'm not even sure exactly what happened that triggered the spiral down fall of my evening, I guess that's the mystery part of it all. I are my lunch which was 100g of ground beef (hamburger) 1 whole Roma tomatoes and an apple, then I went and ran my afternoon bus route, all day long I had drank over a gallon of water, everything was just fine and normal until....6:00pm. My alarm on my cell phone went off and I knew what it was for....Time for my evening drops! But.... I sat here and I thought, I'm DONE with this hcg diet...DONE! I'm so done I'm not even going to take my evening drops, and I didn't! I went into the kitchen, grilled my 100g of chicken, cut up 2 cups of lettuce, took the cucumbers out of the refrigerator that had been soaking in apple cider vinegar, cut up a Roma tomato added all "THREE" veggies together, added my chicken, opened up a package of Melba toast (That I've had since day 1 of this diet, but never ate) and I went out on my front porch and ate ALL of my salad and 2 Melba toast, and boy was it yummy good! I came inside got the twins in bed, watched a little TV, then went to sleep, had a hard time going to sleep, but....I finally did. I woke up at 2:15am and all I could think about was me "not" taking my drops.... I was so upset about that! I laid there thinking, do I really want to be finished with this diet? My heart was so upset and I realized right then and there, I "did" want to finish my 26 days of my 40 days. So...I got up right then and took my drops yup, I took them at 2am and knew I was going to finish this diet, I was going to be the WINNER not my crazy, weird whatever that was that told me I was DONE! Well, I think I know what caused me to get all weird and crazy....I got my TOM also at 2am. I have a pretty good feeling my behavior from last night had "something" to do with that!
I did "not" weight this morning at all, simply because I knew I'd weigh heavier due to my TOM, and because I mixed 3 different veggies, and ate 2 Melba toast at the same time, and I know all of that is a no no on this diet! I will say this.... I never one time even thought about eating anything bad, even though I thought I was DONE! I never touched a cookie, brownie, cheese balls, popcorn, granola bar, not even the bag of Candy Corn, (and that's my favorite candy too!) No soda pop, milk, juice, NOTHING at all like that, all I wanted was what I had a salad with more then just lettuce, and I wanted those 2 Melba toast. I will not weigh until my normal time 5:45 on Saturday morning, I'm hoping and praying that will give my body enough time to fix eating the 3 veggies all at once and the 2 Melba toast together, and perhaps have some time for my TOM water gain to leave. So.... I will be excited to see Saturday morning arrive! OK, so everything is back on track for me today took my morning drops as usual and my afternoon drops too, and I fixed 100g of Tilapia, with 1 cup broccoli, and 7 strawberries. I'm staying on the right path from here on out, I truly believe it took me going through what I did last night to make me realize, I really do want this!!!! Until next time my blogger friends.....Have A Blessed Day!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 13

Hello HCG Friends!
I was unable to blog yesterday first it was because I had such a hectic day until about 7:30 last night, but then when I finally got the time to blog, my Internet was down, and didn't come back up until this morning! Day 12 Yesterday was not a real good day for me anyway, I still would have blogged about it, if I could have, but.... I got up Yesterday and weighed, only to find that I had gained a half a pound, I was pretty upset about that, simply because there was absolutely no explanation for it at all, I had drank almost 2 gallons of water, ate only the allowed foods, NO Cheats at all, and still gained! It's so hard to eat just 500 calories per day just to get up to weigh and find you've gain anything, even just a half a pound. As much as I hated it, I didn't let it get the best of me, nor did I allow it to give me a reason to cheat, I stayed strong and kept on chugging along to get through the day! I did just that, I even went to bed early, I guess that was because I had such a busy day, I was extra tired. Anyway... I got up this morning and weighted at my normal time, to find, that I lost 2.5 pounds!!!! I had to step off the scale and back on it at least 5 different times, to make sure it was correct, and...IT WAS!!!!!! I was so excited, I could hardly see straight! This makes my total weight loss of 17 pounds in 11 days! I'm so very happy and proud of that! It sure helps to make my hardest days 9, 10, & 11 more worth it! I realize I'm going to have good days and bad days, and this diet is not anything easy, but hopefully will be so worth it in the end! I will post my lunch here in a few hours, until then.... Have A Blessed Day Friends!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 11...

As I type out day 11, I can't help but wish I were typing out day 37! Everyday I think to myself, how did I make it through yet another hcg day? I will report I have yet to have a cheat of "any" kind. but, man have these last 2 days been HELL! I do not understand it, perhaps it's due to the weekend, I'm having to be around more of the temptations with cooking for my family... I could just have my husband take them out for meals, but, as a mother I enjoy cooking meals for my family, I have always been that way! Not o mention my family loves to eat my cooking! As soon as I finish my daily blog, I told my husband I would fix Texas toast french toast with bacon, so see.... Then for supper I'm fixing them Turkey roast with loaded mashed potatoes with seasoned green beans & cream style corn, with yeast rolls. While I eat my boring 500 calorie hcg supper. Ugh! I'm crossing my fingers that Tomorrow Thur Thursday will be much better for me. Next weekend will be a doozy simply because the kids are out of school Friday, so that will be another long weekend like we had for Labor Day weekend. I'm not looking forward to that at all. Oh well, better get read for it, cause it's coming! I can feel Fall in the air, perhaps that too has a little to do with my mood and attitude.... I love everything about Fall! The weather, the smell of the air, blue jeans & hoodies, pumpkins & mums, the colored leaves on the trees and ground, bon fires with S'mores, apple cider, candy corn, Carmel corn balls, oh how the list goes on, and, on, and, on, and......Well you get the idea here! Oh and did I mention....Red Lobster is having there Shrimp Fest going on right now...All you can eat 5 different ways for 15.99 OMG! I want to go to Red Lobster, I look so very forward to when they have that deal going on! I guess you can see.... I'm still in my funk Today, and I'm sorry to be this way, but.... I just can't seem to shake it! I got up this morning not quite as early as I normally do, I guess it was about 8:15 I got on the scale and....I've lost another 1/2 pound. This is the 4th morning of losing 1/2 a pound. Not sure why it's just a half a pound when I'm taking in all my water and then some, eating only the allowed foods, not to mention I'm not even eating any Melba toast or the Grissini bread sticks. Not even the tiniest cheat for the entire time I've been on phase 2. So, I'm doing everything right, but for some reason my body only wants to let go of a 1/2 pound per day. I'll take that, not complaining, really I'm not. This makes my weight loss of 15 pounds in 9 days ( I never count my 2 loading days on my weight loss) I'm very happy & proud about this accomplishment. Today is Sunday, so I will be posting my measurements later in the afternoon, I've designated Sundays as my measuring days. I will mention also that I've noticed in the last 5 days that my lips and tongue are severely dry, not my whole mouth just my lips & tongue....Strange I know... Just thought I'd through that in there in case anybody else has that issue, they won't think they are alone. Well, I guess I'll go feed my family some brunch, wish me luck....Please!

It's 2:50pm and I'm back with my measuremants....

Measurements on 9-1-11                                        Measurements on 9-11-11
Upper Arm 14"                                                       Upper Arm 14"
Waist 41"                                                                Waist 37"
Hips 54"                                                                  Hips 53`1/2"
Bust 44"                                                                  Bust 41`1/4"
Thighs 30`1/2"                                                         Thighs 29`1/2
Total Inches 169.5"                                                Total Inches 161"

That's a total of 8`1/2 inches lost in 9 days! AWESOME!... I still want Red Lobster tho! Ugh!

For my 9th VLC Diet Lunch I had 100g of Whiting Fish ( didn't care for it) 1 Cup broccoli, and an orange.

For my 9th VLC Diet Supper I fixed 100g grilled chicken, and 1 Cup cucumbers in apple cider vinegar, and my Strawberries for my bedtime snack.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 10....

I've made it on this diet 10 days with NO cheats! It's been 1 week on the VLC diet part aka...Phase 2. Also found that when I got on the scale this morning, I had lost another .5 pound, with a total of 14.5 pounds in 7 days ( not counting the 2 loading days here.) OMG! Yesterday was so hard,( my first super hard day) I was at Wal*Mart trying to pick-up a few things, and "everything" I saw I wasn't to taste it, like my mouth was just salivating so bad, it was as if I was holding water in my mouth! I saw a huge barrel of cheese balls, have I mentioned I absolutely love those & cheeto's? Yeah, well I do! Then it was granola bars, and then it was a thousand other things that I could just imagine myself tasting.... I don't know what it was about yesterday but....I had to leave Wal*Mart right then and there! Came home and cried. It may sound silly, but it's the truth, I just felt so blah about seeing all the yummy food that I wasn't allowed to eat! Not just the junk food, cause I'm not a huge junk food eater, but... having a few cheese balls, or 2-3 Oreo's I would do from time to time. I want a salad so bad with 5 or 7 different veggies, and I want a can of tuna, and I want a baked pot.too! I knew this diet would not be easy, not easy at all. I just wasn't prepared for the day that i had Yesterday, It was awful....Really! I ended up calling my cousin Jeana and she talked with me, and help me through the difficult moment, just telling me it was 40 days not the rest of my life, that it would be so worth it in the end. All the things I already knew, just hearing it from somebody else, who's been through it, just helped my get past it! So... I went back to Wal*Mart after my son's little league football game this morning, and bought the kids the barrel of cheese balls, and the Oreo's, and a few other kid friendly foods, and then bought myself some strawberries, and a head of lettuce, 4 more cans of Alien Mucus, 3 more grapefruits, 4 more oranges, oh and some whiting fish. Took my afternoon drops, brewed some green tea, and then fixed my lunch.

 Here is what I ate for my 8th VLC Diet lunch Today, It was.... 100g of grilled shrimp, w/ a little under 1 cup of Spinach w/ apple cider vinegar, and a half of grapefruit. It was good!

For my 8th VLC Diet supper I fixed 100g of grilled chicken, w/ 3 Cups shredded lettuce I put my hcg friendly Vinaigrette salad dressing on it, it's clear in color so you can't see it on there, but it's there. Also there are my strawberries, which I always save my last fruit for my bedtime snack.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 9

Hello Followers!
I know I'm very late on blogging Today, I guess that's what I get for my hubby being off work on Fridays! ( That's ok, cause I love it!) So...Just know for future Friday blogs...They will be late! I had a great day Yesterday, everything wet smooth, and still absolutely no cheats, not even a lick of a finger....Awesome!...Right? Well, got up this morning at my usual time, and did my usual thing, stripped and stepped up on the scale to find.... I lost another .5 pound. Again I'm great with that! YIPEE that makes 14 pounds total in 7 days ( I'm not counting the 2 loading days here!) I went to the grocery last night to get some Alien Mucus AKA.... spinach.  (A  blogger friend calls it that, and I will never look at spinach the same way after reading her blog about her experience with it... Needless to say, she didn't like it) I on the other hand love it, always have! Not a whole lot to report Today, I am going to my middle daughter's High School Football game tonight, (she's a cheerleader,) Didn't want you thinking she was a football player! LOL! and we are going to video her and watch the game. So that will be a couple hours of keeping me busy, and not thinking about "food!"  Well, at least until I start seeing boxes of popcorn, and Nachos, and candy bars, Mmmmmm.... What was I thinking?  Oh well, I'll have my trusty green tea in hand, so... I'll be fine...Really I will!

Here is my 7th VLC Diet lunch, Today's menu was... 100g of grilled chicken, with 1 cup spinach in apple cider vinegar, and my tasty Gala apple. It was an Amazing lunch...Alien Mucus and all! (lol)

My 7th VLC Diet Supper tonight, it was 100g of grilled Flounder, 100g of asparagus, with my juicy orange, that I took to the football game to eat, while everybody else had nacho's & popcorn!